Author Guidelines
NOTE: To limit any errors, please send a message to the editor ( about the submission of your manuscript.
Thank you for considering us for your manuscript. Journal of Academics Stand Against Poverty (Journal of ASAP) is a multidisciplinary open-access English-language journal that publishes quality articles describing original and unpublished results of theoretical, empirical, normative, or analytical research on poverty-related topics. Journal of ASAP has electronic (ISSN 2690-3458) and print versions (ISSN 2690-3431). Its mission is to publish high-quality articles that genuinely promote understanding, prevention, and eradication of poverty and its effects. It encourages contributions by authors from the global South and authors who articulate the needs and concerns of the global poor.
Original articles that fit Journal ASAP’s mission and are not under review elsewhere can be submitted through our website's online system by clicking “Make a new submission” and following the instructions. We prefer those manuscripts be double-spaced Microsoft Word files, following the style of the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition. They should contain a brief abstract (under 200 words) highlighting core arguments and achievements, 4-9 keywords, and a bibliography limited to cited publications. Tables and figures should be within the text.
To facilitate double-blind reviewing, please do not include author names or author identifying information in your submission; instead, name the author(s) in a separate document, nominating one main correspondent when there are multiple authors. We would appreciate, but do not require, one-page author biographies providing educational background, workplace, research interests, and highlights of previously published work.
Types of Articles
Journal of ASAP publishes Research Essays, Review Papers, Research Notes, Reports, Book Reviews, Opinions, Letters and Interviews.
Research Essays present mature work, requiring a clear hypothesis or research question and a well-developed argument as well as a suitable presentation of the relevant background, methodology, data, and analysis. A typical research essay will be around 8,000 words (including abstract, figures, tables, references, and bibliography). Longer research essays may in some cases be accepted.
Review Papers are articles that present the current state of understanding on a topic. Review papers survey, summarize, and assess previously published work, providing a useful introduction to the existing literature and conveying the current state of a field of study. A typical review paper is around 8,000 words (including abstract, figures, tables, references, and bibliography).
Research Notes are short, often preliminary, studies or descriptions of a poverty-relevant topic that is worthy or in the process of development through further research. A typical research note will be under 2,000 words (including abstract, figures, tables, references, and bibliography).
Reports are notices on poverty-related issues or events. They may analyze a topic discussed at a recent conference or symposium, for example, or an ongoing debate about a poverty-related law, policy, initiative, treaty, or decision. Also in this category, we welcome analyses of current methods or practices by governmental agencies or nongovernmental organizations. Reports will normally not exceed 2,000 words. Prior discussion of a planned report with the Editors is encouraged but does not guarantee final acceptance.
Book Reviews are critical discussions of one or more recent books on a poverty-related topic. They will typically be up to 2000 words, but we are open to longer reviews of multiple or especially important books. We maintain a list of poverty-focused books in all languages, to which everyone is invited to contribute.
Opinion is a forum for the exchange of expert views on poverty. Opinion pieces are invited by the Editors and reviewed only by them. They will typically be under 3,000 words.
Letters are comments on recent publications in Journal ASAP or author responses to such comments. Letters should be under 700 words and require no abstract or keywords.
Interviews are conversations with prominent experts and policymakers aimed to elicit their reflections on poverty-relevant issues and challenges. They are initiated by the editors.
Special Issues will bring together diverse experts on a poverty-related theme. We are open to guest-editing proposals, to be sent, with the proponent’s CVs, to Decisions will be made within one month.
Article Preparation Checklist
- Your contribution fits Journal ASAP’s mission and one of the listed article types.
- It is unpublished and not committed or under consideration elsewhere (unless an explanation is provided in the cover letter).
- The submitted electronic file is in Microsoft Word and follows the guidelines provided.
- Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
- The text is double-spaced, uses 12-point font, employs italics rather than underlining (except for URL addresses), and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points.
For detailed information about the required format, please visit our Style Guide or download the PDF Version.
Copyright Notice
Copyright Policy
The Journal ASAP does not claim the copyright of any work contained in the journal. Copyright remains with the authors who originated the respective work, according to the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17). All authors whose work has been published in Journal ASAP have assigned Journal ASAP with the right to do so prior to publication by means of a license agreement. The right to publish and use the work of Journal ASAP does not affect or limit the copyright held by the authors.
Therefore, we would like to draw your attention to the protection copyright affords against multiple photocopying by libraries, instructors, and copy centers. The 1976 copyright law provides that photocopies in excess of "fair use" copying cannot be made without authorization by the copyright owner—"fair use" meaning single copying for personal use.
Accordingly, personal or educational multiple copying is only allowed if a request is made in writing to the copyright owner. Inquiries about photocopying may be sent to We will be happy to forward your request to the respective author.
Likewise, we ask that publishers interested in reprinting any Journal ASAP material send a request in writing to We request that photocopies of all correspondence relative to reprint requests be sent to the author in question; upon request, we will supply the contact information of the author in question for publishers.
To Our Authors, Concerning Copyright
It is the policy of Journal ASAP that authors retain copyright in the works submitted to Journal ASAP. Followingly, authors are permitted to reprint their articles and publish them elsewhere; but we ask that you give us notice of any direct negotiations with publishers regarding the reprinting of an article of yours on which we have a right to publish to avoid conflicts with third parties.
If you have any questions about our copyright policy, we will be glad to answer them.